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These are some of the games my brothers and I play, these are on my brother's new computer too.  Stunning Graphics for Doom3 and Half-Life 2. :)
UPDATE: Well, there really isn't anything new here. I do not have the time to play games anymore :(. I did put a Doom 3 picture at the bottom. Enjoy!


This is Half-Life 2, sorry but I had to shrink the image so you'll be able to see it without scrolling, and it loads faster too.  Aren't those graphics wonderful, the lighting effects for HL2 are amazing.


Here's another one I just took of Half-Life 2. The graphics are absolutely stunning when you are actually playing it. The water is amazing, look at the reflections. D'oh I'm rambling again...


Here is the Doom 3 picture I was talking about above. I took it a while ago but I have not been able to post it. Well, here it is.